Monday, April 14, 2014

The following story was a very moving one for me personally. As our middle class economy struggles into the depth of poverty, more and more families are finding themselves on the edges, to the point of homelessness. The Scales are one of these families and we had the humble privilege of accompanying them, even for just a couple days on their challenging journey. Brooke Lea Foster reported on their story and the very gifted Gail Albert Halaban spent the day photographing this exceptionally kind and warm family. May all my deepest gratitude go to them. With the help of the Northern Virginia Family Services, I'm happy to announce that they have found a secure home for the next year as they rebuild their lives. 

A few of my favorite out-takes which didn't make it into the story:

All photos copyrighted to Gail Albert Halaban and Scholastic, Inc. 

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